Jpg or Gif ?

In this article, I am going to cover the 2 most common graphic file formats for online use and how to use them efficiently.

When using graphics online, the two main considerations for deciding on file format are Quality and Speed (loading time). JPEG's and GIF's each have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Gif images are best used for images with solid colors, few colors, and where crisp and clean edges are needed (such as an image that includes text).

Also, Gifs are used when part of the image needs to be transparent. Our logo is an example of Gif format usage:

gif usage

Jpeg graphics (aka "jpg")are best used for images with many colors, images with gradients, or photographs. Here is an example of Jpeg format usage:

jpeg usage

There are always exceptions to these rules, but the previous guidelines should give you a solid starting point.

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